Boulderkerk Venlo – Media It's Thursday! So, of course like every other Thur Our routesetters tried their best again today to s Come and check out the new routes that have been b Our routesetters tried their best again today to s This thursday new routes have been placed on secti We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2025! To get Our youth team had a great time at the Youth Open This thursday new routes have been placed on secti Check it out we got a brand new football table. Pl AGAIN!! WE HAVE NEW ROUTES! You can find them at s Join us for an unforgettable evening of excitement WE'VE GOT NEW ROUTES! Come and try our brand new c WE'VE GOT NEW ROUTES! Come and try our brand new c WE'VE GOT NEW ROUTES! Come and try our brand new c WE'VE GOT NEW ROUTES! Come and try our challenges, NEW ROUTES are here!! We've got some brand new cha LOST SOMETHING? - You have until the end of novemb From 19 till 27 October DEVIATING OPENING HOURS du A small man with big solutions, cracking our lates NEW ROUTES are here!! We've got some brand new cha There's a NEW SET available in sector 3!! Come on Come check out SECTOR 6!! We've got a new set wait There's a BRAND NEW SET at sector 1!! Come check o September is student month. FREE INTRODUCTORY COUR BRAND NEW BOULDERS at sector 7!! Come and enjoy so FRESH ROUTES in sector 2!! Come and enjoy our new There are NEW ROUTES in sector 5!! Come on by and Sector 3 got NEW routes waiting for you!! With som @gijs.ramakers Topping out his first 7b+ 🥳🥳 There are NEW ROUTES available in sector 6!! Come @lukas_lasku Limpin' ain't easy! #boulderkerkvenl @lukas_lasku making the best of it with a broken t There are NEW routes available in sector 4!! Make Lost&Found! We got some new items in our lost&foun Eyooo! There are some FRESH new routes waiting for What's up, what's up! Boulder Series Limburg conti Yo yo! Have you tried the new flowy boulders on Se Calling all climbers: the Boulder Series Limburg w Beepboop! New routes on the top-out! Got no plans Lost & Found! Please collect (or let us know) befo New boulders at sector 1: big moves and delicate s Every last Tuesday of the month we offer a (free) Op Moederdag (zondag 12 mei) klimmen moeders grati We zijn langer open tijdens de meivakantie! Op Hem We zijn op zoek naar enthousiaste schoonmaakhelden Sector 4 update! We've reset podium left last week Stadspassers opgelet! Entrees (los, maand- en stri Here's a little throwback to Holy Grail 2024 for y New routes at sector 6! This new set might just gi Well let's go, let's go! They've been up for a fe Ey-o! We have extended opening hours during the up Yowza! Holy Grail 2024 was a great success! Venloc ~English follows Dutch~ Alle reguliere klimmers o The chef is back! We now serve Two Chefs Brewing's HOLY GRAIL UPDATE! Registrations are well on thei Some stop weeks feel longer than they perhaps shou We zoeken nieuwe mensen voor onze cleaning crew! To all you overhang-fanatics: grand total of 18 fr ⚡BIG NEWS⚡ (English follows Dutch) Onze tweed Have you given sector 1 a try yet? Flowy, slappy, We zijn op zoek naar enthousiast barpersoneel! Haa Youth Training starts again this week 😊Here's a Have you tried out the new sector (sector 3) yet? Calling all bouldering fanatics! Let's kick off th Our team boulder is still up! Come try it out duri Considering it's Christmas and all this month's ph Yuuuup! We're open every day during the holidays! Quite the task, but well worth it! Our bar area is 🍄 Sector 5 reset! 🍄 The remaining half of S Special (extended) opening hours during the Christ Sector 4 reset 😍 Meet your new dynamic and sla New equipment! We now have The Block by @tensioncl Sector 6 reset 😍 Come check out your new chall ‼️New sector of the week‼️ Something for e ‼️New sector of the week‼️ - - Wij zijn va Beginnen thuis de kids de tent te verbouwen? Hange ‼️New sector of the week - Alle niveaus, dus v Teen-spirit! After systematically testing for weak Can you crack our team boulder? In a mere 43 minut NIEUW over twee dagen: de jaarlijkse carnavals tea Heads-up! (NL) Al een poosje het gevoel dat je wa Attention, all Boulderkerk members: "Bring a Frien ‼️ Nieuwe routes van de week: Geel (6c/c+) Kom Feeling more than "just a bit sore"? Worry no more ‼️Nieuwe routes van de week: Groen 6a/a+ 🟢 ‼️Wij zijn gewoon geopend! De trap naar de hal Bring a friend! September and October everybody h Due to popular demand we’re installing a brand n Neem Boulderkerk Venlo mee op vakantie! Post een Er zijn wat aanpassingen op het tijdschema voor de Aanstaande dinsdag is er een fysiotherapeut van kn On the 2nd and 3th of June it’s our turn to host We’re hiring!!! If you want to join this amazi 10 mei start alweer de volgende introductiecursus Aangepaste openingstijden meivakantie! 29, 30 apr Aangepaste openingstijden 1e & 2e paasdag van 10: THE HOLY GRAIL De routebouwers zijn vandaag druk Laad meer... Kom ons volgen op Instagram